Rabu, 07 September 2011

Kisah sukses penyandang autis dan sindrom asperger

Success stories of persons with autism and Asperger syndrome

Sabtu, 3 September 2011.

Malam itu saya kesulitan untuk memejamkan mata, dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk memutar saluran pada channel HBO. Film yang sedang berlangsung sudah berjalan lama sepertinya, tetapi entah kenapa saya tertarik untuk melanjutkan menontonnya. Unik dan menarik untuk disimak, saya pikir. Ternyata film itu mengisahkan tentang seorang penderita autis yang sedang mengalami masa-masa sulitnya, dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan universitas dimana ia berkuliah.

Lalu, Selasa 6 September 2011 malam, saya kembali melihat acara yang sama, dan kali ini saya menyaksikannya dari bagian yang lebih awal dari kemarin. Oleh karena itu, film ini membuat saya semakin penasaran dengan siapa tokoh Temple Grandin yang sedang dikisahkan di film dengan judul sama dengan nama tokohnya. Bahkan ketika melihat di The Internet Movie Database (IMDB), film ini mendapatkan rating 8.4/10 dari 66 reviewer. Menurut saya, sudah sangat superb sekali film dengan rating tersebut. Berikut ini link-nya jika Anda tertarik menelaahnya lebih jauh; Temple Grandin - The Movie.

Siapa "Temple Grandin"?

Dr. Grandin is a designer of livestock handling facilities and a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. Facilities she has designed are located in the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries. In North America, almost half of the cattle are handled in a center track restrainer system that she designed for meat plants. Curved chute and race systems she has designed for cattle are used worldwide and her writings on the flight zone and other principles of grazing animal behavior have helped many people to reduce stress on thier animals during handling.

She has also developed an objective scoring system for assessing handling of cattle and pigs at meat plants. This scoring system is being used by many large corporations to improve animal welfare. Other areas of research are: cattle temperament, environmental enrichment for pigs, reducing dark cutters and bruises, bull fertility, training procedures, and effective stunning methods for cattle and pigs at meat plants.

She obtained her B.A. at Frankin Pierce College and her M.S. in Animal Science at Arizona State University. Dr. Grandin received her Ph.D in Animal Science from the University of Illinois in 1989. Today she teaches courses on livestock behaviour and facility design at Colorado State Univeristy and consults with the livestock industry on facility design, livestock handling, and animal welfare. She has appeared on television shows such as 20/20, 48 Hours, CNN Larry King Live, PrimeTime Live, the Today Show, and many shows in other countries. She has been featured in People Magazine, the New York Times, Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, Time Magazine, the New York Times book review, and Discover magazine. In 2010, Time Magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people. Interviews with Dr. Grandin have been broadcast on National Public Radio. She has also authored over 400 articles in both scientific journals and livestock periodicals on animal handling, welfare, and facility design. She is the author of "Thinking in Pictures", "Livestock Handling and Transport," "Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals," and "Humane Livestock Handling." Her books "Animals in Translation" and "Animals Make Us Human" were both on the New York Times best seller list. "Animals Make Us Human" was also on the Canadian best seller list. Her life story has also been made into an HBO movie titled "Temple Grandin, staring Claire Danes." The movie shows her life as a teenager and how she started her career.

Source: http://grandin.com/temple.html
This web page was put up to educate people throughout the world about modern methods of livestock handling which will improve animal welfare and productivity. You have permission to copy articles, pictures, and diagrams. Please acknowledge Temple Grandin.

Karirnya, banyak diwarnai juga dengan pengalamannya tinggal di sebuah peternakan milik relasi Ibunya. Awanya, ia sempat mendapat cemooh mengenai ide-ide briliannya, yang pada waktu itu dianggap aneh oleh pelaku bisnis Rumah Pemotongan Hewan. Berikut ini adalah resume profesionalnya yang saya kutip dari http://grandin.com/professional.resume.html.

Temple Grandin Ph.D

Professor of Animal Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80523, USA

Consultant and designer of livestock handling facilities, Grandin Livestock Handling Systems Inc.

B.A. (Psychology), Franklin Pierce College, 1970
M.S. (Animal Science), Arizona State University, 1975
Ph.D. (Animal Science), University of Illinois, 1989

1984, Meritorious Service, Livestock Conservation Institute (now National Institute of Animal Agriculture)
1990, National Provisioner, Processing Stars of 1990
1990, Who's Who of American Women
1994, Golden Key National Honor Society, Honorary Member
1994, Industry Innovator's Award, Meat Marketing and Technology Magazine
1995, Industry Advancement Award, American Meat Institute
1995, Animal Management Award, American Society of Animal Science
1995, Harry C. Roswell Award, Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
1995, The Brownlee Award for International Leadership in Scientific Publication Promoting Respect for Animals, their Nature and Welfare, Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada, Vancouver, BC
1997, CAS/Miller Com 97 Campus Wide Lecture at the University of Illinois
1997, Profiled in Who's Who in America
1997, Alpha Zeta Centennial Honor Roll
1998, F.W. Presant Memorial Lecture, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
1998, Forbes Award, National Meat Association
1998, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation - Humane Ethics in Action, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
1999, Woman of the Year in Service to Agriculture, Progressive Farmer Magazine
1999, Humane Award, American Veterinary Medical Association
1999, Honary Doctorate, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
1999, Named as one of the 26 Industry Influentials by Meat Marketing and Technology Magazine
1999, Animal Welfare Award, Animal Transportation Association
1999, Founders Award, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
2000, Temple Grandin profiled in The New York Times, Scientists at Work, McGraw Hill Books, New York, NY. pp. 48-57. Profile by Anne Raver
2001, Joseph Wood Krutch Medal - The Humane Society of the United States
2001, Knowlton Award for Innovation, Meat Marketing and Technology
2001, Wood Gush Memorial Lecture, International Society of Applied Ethology
2002, Richard L. Knowlton Innovation Award from Meat Marketing and Technology Magazine
2002, British Society of Animal Science, Yorkshire England, Animal Welfare Award Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty in Animals
2002, University of Illinois Alumni Illini Comeback Award. Five distinguished alumni are invited back each year during homecoming. Other comeback Illini for 2002, were an astronaut, university president, the inventor of Microsoft Office, and an administrator of a scholarship program
2003, Western Section American Society of Animal Science
2004, Honorary Doctorate of Science, University of Illinois
2004, President's Award, National Institute of Animal Agriculture
2004, The Beef Top 40: The 40 most influential people in the beef industry. Awarded on the 40th anniversary of Beef Magazine
2004, The Organic Style Magazine's Environmental Power List
2006, Animals in Translation was a Top Science Book of the Year in Discover Magazine, January 2006 p.74
2006, Frank H.T. Rhodes Class of 1956 Visiting Professor at Cornell University
2007, Autism Society of America Founder's Award
2007, Dept. of Health and Humane Services, Secretary's Highest Award, Washington D.C.
2008, Franklin Pierce College, Alumni Association: Leader of Conscience Award
2009, Honorary Doctorate - Swedish University, University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Degree in Animal Welfare
2009, Sharp Cleaver Award - Colorado and Wyoming Association of Meat Processors
2009, Meat Industry Hall of Fame, Chicago, Illinois
2009, Headliner Award, Livestock Publications Council, Fort Worth, Texas
2010, Fellow - American Society of Animal Science
2010, Inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Dallas, Texas
2010, Honorary Doctorate, Duke University
2010, Honorary Doctorate, Lakehead University
2010, Colorado Cattlemen's Assocation, Honorary Life Member
2010, National Cattlemen's Beef Association - Lifetime Achievement Award
2010, Oklahoma State University created an endowed professorship in animal behavior in honor of Temple Grandin

American Society of Animal Science
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
American Society of Agricultural Consultants
American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists
National Institute of Animal Agriculture (formerly Livestock Conservation Institute)

Grandin T. 1993-2000, 2007. (Editor). Livestock Handling and Transport, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom. 2nd Edition, 2000. 3rd Edition, 2007.

Titles of chapters written by T. Grandin:

  • Introduction: Management and economic factors of handling and transport.

  • Behavioral principles of handling cattle and other grazing animals under extensive conditions.

  • Handling facilities and restraint of range cattle.

  • Handling and welfare of livestock in slaughter plants.

Grandin, T. 1995. Thinking in Pictures. Vintage Press (Division of Random House), New York, NY.
Grandin, T. 2000. Beef Cattle Behavior, Handling and Facilities Design. Grandin Livestock Handling Systems Inc., Fort Collins, CO.

Grandin, T. 1998 (Editor). Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Titles of chapters written by T. Grandin and M. Deesing:

  • Behavioral genetics and animal science.

  • Genetics and behavior during handling restraint and herding.

  • Genetics and animal welfare.

Grandin T. and Johnson C., 2005. Animals in Translation. Scribner (Division of Simon and Schuster), New York, NY.
Grandin T. and Deesing M. 2008. Humane Livestock Handling. Storey Publishing, North Adams, Massachusetts.
Grandin T. and Johnson C. 2009. Animals Make Us Human. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, New York, NY.
Grand in, T. 2009. Slaughter plants behavior and welfare assessment, Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (online) ANBY: 00083 Elsevier (ln press, accepted for publication).

Grandin, T. 2010. Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire UK. (ISBN-13-978-1-84593-541-2).

I wrote seven (7) chapters for this book and edited the chapters of eight (8) invited contributors. The chapters written by Temple Grandin include:
Chapter 1 — The importance of measurement to improve the welfare of nmlivestock, poultry, and fish, pp. 1-20
Chapter 3 — Implementing effective standards and scoring systems for assessing animal welfare on farms and slaughter plants, pp. 32-49
Chapter 5 — How to improve livestock handling ad reduce stress, pp. 64-87
Chapter 7 — Welfare during transport of livestock and poultry, pp. 115-138
Chapter 8 — Improving livestock, poultry, and fish welfare in slaughter plants with auditing programs, pp. 160-185
Chapter 11 — The effects of economic factors on the welfare of livestock and poultry, pp. 214-226
Chapter 12 — Successful technology transfer of behavioral and animal welfare research to the farm and slaughter plant, pp. 274-289


  • Cattle Handling Principles to Reduce Stress

  • Animal Handling in Meat Plants

  • Low Stress Handling of Pigs

  • Preventing Behavior Problems in your horse

Sangat mengagumkan, bahkan bagi mereka yang termasuk kategori 'normal' sekalipun. Tetapi, kategori 'normal' terlalu sangat mendiskreditkan mereka yang dianggap 'tidak normal'. Saya takjub untuk perjuangan dan kerja keras dari Temple Grandin, karena gigih terus memperjuangkan apa yang menurutnya benar. Dengan segala keterbatasan yang dimilikinya, ia sanggup untuk menjadikan hal tersebut sebagai motivasi yang membuatnya keluar dari zona ketakutan.

Semua hal ini mungkin terwujud, tidak lain karena ia mendapatkan dukungan yang sangat berarti, terutama dari Ibunya. Ibunya terus memperjuangkan anaknya, yang sejak usia 4 tahun sudah di-cap sebagai penderita Autistik, bahkan disebutkan sebagai skizofrenia pada tahap anak-anak. Bahkan, ia didiagnosa harus mendapatkan perawatan intensif dalam sebuah institusi bagi penyandang sakit. Tetapi, beruntung ibunya tidak mudah percaya dengan keputusan tersebut, dan terus berjuang mempertahankan hak anaknya untuk mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama dengan anak-anak 'normal' lainnya.

Saya tidak terlalu tahu dengan persis bagaimana perkembangan pendidikan maupun pelatihan untuk mereka yang menyandang Autis maupun Sindrom Asperger di Indonesia ini, khususnya untuk mereka yang masih kanak-kanak. Saya hanya berharap sistem pendidikan kita mampu mengakomodir mereka, karena ketika mereka mendapatkan perlakuan yang adil sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, bukan tidak mungkin mereka juga mampu mengikuti kegiatan perkembangan anak 'normal' lainnya atau bahkan melampauinya.

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang perjuangan Temple Grandin dalam kegiatan Autis dan Sindrom Asperger, Anda bisa mengikuti laman situs berikut: http://templegrandin.com/templehome.html.

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