Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

Here I Am

Here I am - this is me
I come into this world so wild and free
Here I am - so young and strong
Right here in the place where I belong

It's a new world - it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day - in a new land
And it's waiting for me
Here I am

This song was sang by Bryan Adam. It was very good song that fit mostly with the theme of movie named SPIRIT. But today, I'm not going to discuss about the movie nor the song. I'm here to discuss about the meaning of this song for me related with today, as the 1st day of the Lunar New Year.

Yup, this is me sitting in front of the laptop and expressing my thought. Last year was sure a rough and tough year for me. There's a lot of ups and also downs that i have to deal with. Especially in the last days oh year of 2008. It seems like the trouble choose the right time to come, one after another. It looks like i've done something bad and get punished for the bad attitude i did.

But now, as the lunar new year arrived, I have the new spirit to boost up my urge and effort to fulfill my dreams. This moment in time makes me think a lot, for all those things i've done, goods and bad. I even have sometimes to enjoying my long pending holidays i've searching for so long.

In the last year of rat, i'm doing not so great. I got much troubled in the early year, and some SHIT happen in the middle of the journey. And yet, some big major issues in the last days. But hey, it is the new year. I'm handling it OK for all of those things (i guess), at least i can make it through that rough time. So, i must be proud of myself for doing such a good turnover on those crumble.

Today, i have come to my turning point. I have new goals to reach, new challanges to bear, and new luck wishes from relatives and friends. I guess it was a good start and also a good sign for me to move on. That's why they called yesterday as a memory. I have come to the lowest point so far, and now it is my time to raise and reach for the sky.

One of my friend wrote this on our high school year book. "Aim your goal as high as the stars above, cause if you've missed, at least you got the stars". got it? it shoes that if you reach far and up high you will get biggest point, or at least..if you missed reach out the goals you won't get disapointed by reaching small goals. That's what i believe.

So, from now on, I'll not get crumbled easily with any obstacles. Yet it was the pathway to reach all of the goals. As long as I keep on praying:

God, grant me...
the serenity to accept the things i cannot change;
the courage to change the things i can;
and yet...
the wisdom to know the difference.

As long as I am living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; and accepting the hardship as the pathway to peace, yet i will survive. no matter what! So help me God!

So let's me conclude this note by saying:

It's a new day, It's a new start, and it's waiting for me, Here I Am!

_Corgito Ergo Sum_

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